Newswise — Tomatoes, bananas, cabbages, melons, pumpkins, and cucumbers... represent merely a fraction of the 150 cultivars of economic significance suffering at the hands of Fusarium oxysporum, a prominent global pathogen. This adversary holds immense importance owing to its capacity to assail various plant species and inflict millions of dollars in losses. Despite remaining inconspicuous within the soil for over three decades, upon sensing a compatible host's roots, it ensues growth towards them, subsequently invading their vascular structure and inducing crop withering.

Fungicides, crop rotation, and the cultivation of resistant strains have demonstrated limited effectiveness in controlling this resilient pathogen, owing to its remarkable adaptability. However, the research group known as Fungal Pathogenesis Molecular Genetics at the University of Cordoba has recently achieved a breakthrough. They have successfully mitigated the pathogen's virulence by employing a novel approach: genetically manipulating a cellular pathway, tricking it into perceiving ample resources without the requirement of infecting crops.

The key: 'confusing' the fungus

If an individual in need of food were to receive a series of chemical signals falsely indicating satiety and ample resources, it would likely lead to adverse consequences. Despite the apparent differences, this approach, inspired by the scientific work, raises concerns. The individual might be deceived into believing that their hunger is satisfied and that they possess adequate nourishment, which could result in a neglect of their actual nutritional requirements. Such a scenario could lead to malnutrition, health complications, and a deterioration of their overall well-being. It is crucial to prioritize genuine nutritional needs and ensure that individuals receive proper sustenance rather than relying on deceptive signals.

Researcher Manuel Sánchez, one of the study's authors, elucidates that the notion of nutrient starvation as a signal for infection has been hypothesized for decades. Building upon this premise, the study has focused on the elimination of a specific gene, responsible for encoding the protein known as Tsc2, from the fungus. By removing this protein, as per the study's findings, it becomes feasible to consistently activate a cellular pathway that naturally initiates when the pathogen acquires the requisite nutrients.

"The researcher emphasized that it's akin to conveying to the fungus that it no longer requires resources, leading to a state of confusion," he said. Despite existing in an environment that typically triggers its infection mechanisms, the microorganism receives a series of signals indicating that it possesses sufficient nutrients to sustain itself without the need to infect anything. In essence, it involves manipulating the fungus's hunger genetically, employing a form of chemical trickery.

The study's outcomes, published in the scientific journal Molecular Plant Pathology, and evaluated through infection trials on tomato plants, indicate that this genetically modified strain of Fusarium oxysporum exhibits diminished capabilities to penetrate and adhere to the root. As a consequence, the pathogen's virulence is mitigated, resulting in less damage to the plants.

The research, conducted with the involvement of Gasabel Yaneth Navarro Velasco and Antonio Di Pietro, highlights a medium- and long-term objective of developing an antifungal strategy that can replicate the observed response beyond the laboratory setting. The aim is to translate the findings into practical applications that can effectively combat fungal infections in real-world scenarios. By understanding and harnessing the mechanisms employed in this study, the researchers hope to develop innovative approaches for fungal control outside controlled experimental conditions.

Journal Link: Molecular Plant Pathology